Sunday, July 3, 2011

Helping out Owl Jones on his trip to the west

I wanted to help Owl Jones out with his trip to Yellowstone and what better way is to send him some flies.  This is going to be a short post but here are 60 flies that will be leaving on Tuesday so hope he likes them and hope he can put them to good use!


  1. they look cool. okay, dumb non-fisherperson question. what do you use for the reddish horse-hair looking 'spritzes' on your ties? and if you say horse-hair, i'll just shut up and go home now...

  2. Some of the flies are really cool,especially the bee!!

  3. Very nice flies! Dustin, you're a class guy.

  4. HEY WOW! WOW! I can't thank you enough - for TWO THINGS! First, the flies are awesome and I can't wait to put them in front of some big fat cutthroat trout! Second, THANK YOU for opening up the comment box to the NAME/URL option!

    Now I can comment on your blog! I was hoping for a dozen, but hey - if all you can do is 60...wait a many are in a dozen again? :)

    Thanks Dustin! :)

  5. OH, PS - I meant to tell you, I was trying to comment on the header thing. If you'll send me a few photos you want up there, I'll be glad to make you some headers out of them and you can use them if you like 'em. :)

  6. Now that is one nice stash of flies. I am sure they will be killin the fish. Nicely Done. Dig the new header. Tight Lines.

  7. @ tex -- I am trying to find what you are referring to but I use mostly deer and elk hair

    @ Howard- Thanks buddy! If I could send him some money I would. He has a dream and doing what he can to fulfill that. If I can help any way then I am in!

    @ Owl -- You are very welcome!! as far as you being able to comment. I don't know what I did... I just turned everything on when you let me know. I will email you some pics for a header and I appreciate it!! I will be rotating them every couple days and give everyone full credit when they all come in.

    @ Trout -- Thanks for the comment on the header!! I got more coming

  8. Looks great. What an awesome way to help out!

  9. Nice group of flies. I also like the bee and I am a proud owner of one. I have it squirreled away for future use.

    J & M Flies

  10. I don't know squat about flies...but I dig the bees ;)
