Saturday, April 9, 2011

Damsel in Distress Ver.2

 With attempts to make this pattern more original this is my second version. I used smaller eyes and more importantly I used a marabou shell on the back end of the body of the tag hook.  Of course the original pattern would catch fish but this is just another version. I sent some to Alabama yesterday and we will see how they work.


  1. Those are some sweet flies. I would think they were alive if I didn't know better. Great blog, look forward to next post...

    Thanks for following.

  2. Those are some sweet looking flys!
    You know, I live next to one of the best bluegill fisheries in the state of Oregon, if you tied up some bluegill or bass flies that you would like to be tested out I'd be more then happy to try them then post on my blog the results!

  3. Those will catch for sure, nice job.

    Also, you said to hit you for instructions on making the dubbing loop tool with a paperclip. So how do you do it? Thanks bud.

  4. Very nicely done! I will definitely try them out myself.

  5. It´s a very nice pattern. Can you upload an step by step of this fly?

    All the best.

  6. Sure I can do a step by step. Also Andy, I put up a post on how to make the dubbing loop tool

  7. Awesome looking pattern. I am a big stillwater fisherman. Are you going to post step by step instructions.
